Cosmic studies
7 piano studies, 2012
inspired by the Luca Vitali's cosmic serie(blog)
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Alea jacta est, because after being charmed by the proposal, it remained for me to take action, especially because after my acceptance the work was announced with great fanfare in September 2012 on the Luca Vitali's blog... this well before the first note of this work have been written. Then how to put pressure on a composer ? But it's an habit in our business, we have to accept it ! After all the monuments architects are used to find themselves in a similar situation. And neurons must then turn to 1000 per hour! Mainly when we know more than these works will be performed by a piano magician, how to resist to the temptation ?
Since my meeting with the Brazilian virtuoso pianist Jose Eduardo Martins on the Net in circumstances that I've described in the critical work made on his pianistic work, Une reflexion sur la discographie du pianiste bresilien Jose Eduardo MARTINS, a great friendship was born between us who materialized by a great correspondence where we speak about everything without limits... and especially about music, inexhaustible subject. Then by his order of a work, Trois musiques pour endormir les enfants d'un compositeur, in homage to the portuguese composer Francisco de Lacerda, Trois musiques pour endormir les enfants d'un compositeur, and his splendid and universally known work Thirty-six stories to entertain the children of an artist.
In July 2012, Jose Eduardo Martins, admiring his friend the painter Brazilian Luca Vitali's fabulous paintings cosmic serie, is in conversation with Magnus Bardela, his friend and former student at the Universidade de Sao Paulo. A few days later, Jose Eduardo tells me in his email the surprising following :"Suddenly Magnus told me "Jose, and if Serveniere with his immeasurable talent would compose works for piano about the fabulous Luca's serie on the Space (5 paintings), where corruption can't exist." Well, yesterday we were dinning out with Luca, his wife Marisa, Regina and me. Afterwards, we spent a few hours at home listening to your songs. They were absolutely charmed by your music so diverse and so well built. All this to tell you that the cosmic serie is there. Incredible vision of the real world, abstract for all of us. Piano, piano, my fingers are always looking for new horizons, in this case, full of the mystery of Universe. Provocation ? Maybe ? Your genius is also not measurable and will understand my message. Great Francois !!! Universe is infinite and time isn't important !!! Ideas like vines ripen gradually !!!".
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The January 28th, 2013, helded in Paris the Jose Eduardo Martins' "Concert dans l'atelier", where will be presented in first french hearing my tribute Trois musiques pour endormir les enfants d'un compositeur to the Azorean composer and Debussy's friend, Francisco de Lacerda. At the concert end, he gave me the surprise - at the same time he offered me in live Sinergia reproductions transmitted by Luca Vitali a week before the concert - to perform the 7th namesake study that corresponds to the program recital, because it's a replay of the french master's Clair de Lune from the Bergamasque Suite. Jose Eduardo Martins asks me the opportunity to write a text comment on this evening will complete his weekly article, to be published on his blog and mine in its french original version, after he has made a translation for his Brazilian public. After the concert, I have the honor to receive the two prominent French musicologists' congratulations, officials of the Centre de documentation Claude Debussy, Myriam Chimenes and Alexandra Laederich. A month later, after have sending them the studies scores included in my DVD and in accordance with Anik Devries-Lesure, the eminent musicologist Francois Lesure's widow creator of the Centre de documentation, they make me the incredible honor to integrate in the collections of the Centre de documentation, my book Une reflexion sur la discographie du pianiste Bresilien Jose Eduardo MARTINS which contains among other my appreciations about the Brazilian master's performance on the Debussy's works, then my re-reading of his amazing Clair de Lune, one of the piano works the best known and performed worldwide.
7.Borboletas de luz
Alianca celeste
Ponto de luz
4'10"composer's version (7. re-read of the Claude Debussy's Clair de Lune) Total time :
One week before the beginning of my work on this piano opus, I receive from Luca Vitali these two beautiful drawings in drypoint evoking the muse who has to inspire the creator, as if it were necessary... We've just to admire the works below and those on his website. They speak for themselves... I am deeply affected by the Luca Vitali's gesture and talent that I always admire the pictorial expression on the Jose Eduardo Martins' blog and in his personal website. Infinite thanks ! (works presented with Luca Vitali's courtesy)
Then, following the conclusion of my composition and editing work sent in 2012, mid-December, to Jose Eduardo Martins, Luca Vitali, the main inspiration of these works (don't forget to mention his so attractive muse...) send me the below inimitable drawing with the following comments (english translation followed by the original text in Portuguese):
"Dear Francois,
Dear Master,
I try to express with this engraving that moment to highlight this boy, Francois, who lives so close to a place which was the scene of tears, pain and suffering, one of the saddest episodes of the current history. Undoubtedly, the virtuosity of the artist's cosmic mind will revitalize this part of earth. The place where you live, I'm sure, is as beautiful as what you gave me and "D" is for God (Dieu in French and Deus in Portuguese), not for the (D) day of an invasion.
The representation of a disarmed soldier with the help of a barbed wire, seems a musical score line ending with a key, if I'm not mistaken, in my opinion, your body and your energy are seeds for the revitalization of a place generating the pain, suffering and hatred. His artistic presence and that of his family are drops of a new energy in this place that was once the scene of a bloody period. All my work, all my lines are part of a hope of planting which can't only occur in the lands that are your good deeds and the spirit of master Jose Eduardo with all his musicality."
"Querido Francois,
Querido Mestre,
Tento expressar com esta gravura a que ponto chega a luz desse moco, Francois, para estar tao proximo de um local que foi palco de lagrimas, dor e sofrimento, num dos mais tristes episodios da historia atual. Sem sombra de duvida, a virtuosidade cosmica do espirito desse artista ajuda a reenergizar aquele pedaco do planeta. O local onde ele mora, tenho certeza, e belo como voce me transmitiu e o "D" e de Deus e nao de invasao.
A figura de um soldado desarmado usando os arames farpados como linha de pauta musical e terminando com uma clave de sol, se e que nao estou enganado, no meu modo de ver, a sua figura e sua energia sao sementes para uma reenergizacao de um local que gerou dor, sofrimento e odio. Sua presenca artistica e sua familia sao gotas de uma nova energia para esse lugar que ja foi um dia sangrento. Todo meu trabalho, os meus tracos, fazem parte da esperanca de um plantio que so pode acontecer em terras boas que sao as suas obras e espirito e do Mestre Jose Eduardo com toda sua musicalidade."Photo by Regina Normanha Martins, the January 28th, 2013 at the Concert a l'atelier (see here the blog article corresponding). The virtuoso pianist Jose Eduardo Martins and the composer converse about music and piano performance following the fabulous and intimate recital organized by the painter Jean-Paul Laurens' descendants in his historical workshop regularly transformed into a concert hall. What a magical acoustics in this place with those fabulous Steinways ! Beginning in April 2013, while the pianist Jose Eduardo Martins and the painter Luca Vitali are now organize, in autumn in Brazil, a piano recital series around the cosmic paintings and homonyms piano studies, he sends me the monthly calendar which is illustrated at each time by one of his work. This has a name, Outono de Serveniere, in reference to my autumn saw me compose the Cosmic studies inspired by and in honor of his master paintings. I'm speechless, by the gift as the quality of the work, a true masterpiece, as well as the previous ones. On Sunday, April 14, Luca sends me the certificate of authenticity of the work as well as three photos of him with it (including the one below). The following Wednesday, Jose Eduardo call me on Skype and tell in tears the horrible news: "Luca died". I am shocked and unable to say a word...
Jose Eduardo Martins writes the following Saturday a vibrant tribute on his blog - Luca Vitali (1940-2013) - to his friend - brother too quickly disappeared. I also still collapsed. I lose a budding but already deep friendship sustained by an intense artistic communion, because we were still symbolically and train a triptych triangle of artists with similar designs, as the virtuoso pianist spoke in his text. To console us for the tragic and rapid disappearance, simply to admire here and in his website this solar art which has so inspired me. We decided to add to the cycle of 7 Cosmic Studies for piano an independent eighth Outono Cosmico - In Memoriam Luca Vitali, in agreement with the Brazilian virtuoso's proposal and in honor of this brief friendship, his so deep and exceptional talent obviously too early disappeared for all of us, his family, old and new friends, sincere admirers.
Luca VITALI (1940-2013) and his works Outono de Serveniere and Alianca celeste (below)
Copyright photos Marisa Vitali![]()
October 2013, the 26th, in Botucatu Auditorio Colegio Santa Marcelina (Sao Paulo State, Brazil) take place the Jose Eduardo Martins' Piano recital - A Vila Dos Meninos "Sagrada Familia" during which he perform in "world's first hearing" the N4 Niquel in conjunction with the Outono Cosmico - In Memoriam Luca Vitali first public performance.
In April 2015, the 4th and 11th, held the world premiere hearing presention of the Cosmic studies by Jose Eduardo Martins in a conference and a piano recital in the Sociedade Brasileira De Eubiose, Departamento Lacerda Franco (Sao Paulo, Brazil).
In April 2015, from 27th to 29th, Jose Eduardo Martins audio record for his CD project Contemporary Piano Studies (1985-2015) the Cosmic Studies in the Church Saint-Hillarius, Mullem (Belgium) under the sound engineer Johan Kennive's aegis - attached there the virtuoso pianist's newspaper articles on his blog (por) : "Gent e Mullem na Belgica" and "Belgica e Portugal" -.
In May 2015, the 4th takes place the first presentation of the Cosmic Studies in Europe performed by Jose Eduardo Martins during a piano recital at the Quatre Mains Pianozaak, Nieuwevaart 139 (Gand, Belgique).
In May 2015, the 9th, 12th and 15th take place the second, third and fourth presentations of the Cosmic Studies in Europe performed by Jose Eduardo Martins during 3 piano recitals at Academia de Amadores de Musica, Lisboa, Canto Firme, Tomar, Eborae Musica, Evora (Portugal).
Following the concert in Lisbon which she attended, I received a beautiful email from Idalete Giga, Professor and Director of the "Capela Gregoriana Laus Deo" (Lisbon, female choir), performing a vast Gregorian repertoire according to the principles of old and authentic "Ecole de Solesmes" :
"Dear Francois,
Last Saturday I could happily attend the excelent piano recital given by our dear friend Jose Eduardo at the Academia de Amadores de Musica of Lisbon. I can tell you that it was an historical recital with a very difficult program to run, very interesting in the field of contemporary music. Jose Eduardo sent me, in advance, the program and also photos with the paintings of the Luca Vitali's "Cosmic series" who deserved the creation of your seven "Cosmic Studies"! I was in a great expectation to hear your studies, and already knowing the paintings, my expectation was enormous. During the hearing of your seven "Cosmic Studies" which I was very impressed, I took some notes for each of them. The synthesis of what I have understood, especially with my heart and my mind is the "light", "transparency" of diferent but always fluid sounds. This is what I saw: "The Light of Butterflies" are reminiscence of Atlantis. "Celestial Alliance" is a cosmic and thrilling choral. "Nickel" and "Light Point" are the birth of new galaxies. "Comet" is the transmutation and purification of the Earth. "Energy" is the cosmic evolution. "Synergy" is a prelude deeply in love that prepares "Autumn Cosmic" - departure, end of the trip.
Luca Vitali have used a great way primary colors that are present in all the paintings, especially blue (various shades). The other colors, orange, golden yellow, vermilion and purple bring light, life, energy to planets.
Luca was already living in a very high level of spirituality. His paintings of Cosmic Series reflect his thought beyond this world.
I wrote a little poem in his memory, after hearing the seven "Cosmic Studies". I'll try to write in French, which is not easy.
I kiss you,
(original poem in Portuguese)
Viagem Cosmica
A Luca Vitali, in memoriam
Na grande Viagem Cosmica
do Universo
Luz e Materia
nascem Ciclos Cosmicos
nasce a Vida- Materia Iluminada
Suporte Vibratorio
do Espirito
No macro-cosmos
somos um micro-cosmos
e repetimos
o Drama do Universo
libertos do peso
e da dor da Terra
conscientes da nossa consciencia expandida
ao nosso Mundo Interior
em busca do Sagrado
em busca do Divino que habita em nos
O Iluminado
uniu a Terra ao Ceu
da divisao do Mundo
e partiu
para a sua longinqua Galaxia
I. Giga, Maio / 2015
(French translate by I. Giga)
Voyage Cosmique
A Luca Vitali, in memoriam
Dans le Grand Voyage Cosmique
de l'Univers
La Lumiere et la Matiere
se polarisent
et creent les cycles cosmiques
et la Vie - Matiere Illuminee
maison vibratoire
de l'Esprit
Dans le macro-cosmos
nous sommes un micro-cosmos
nous repetons
le drame de l'Univers
liberes du poids
de la douleur de la Terre
conscients de notre conscience elargie
nous voyageons
dans notre Monde Interieur
en cherchant le Sacre
en cherchant le Divin qui nous habite
a uni la Terre au Ciel
il est sorti
de la division du Monde
il est parti
pour sa galaxie lointaine
Early March 2017, after 5 years of work since writing the first notes, le CD ethers de l'Infini containing, inter alia, Cosmic studies and Outono Cosmico, performed by the viruoso pianista Jose Eduardo Martins, is available in France under the label ESOLEM PRODUCTION.
April 19-27, 2017, Jose Eduardo Martins conducts a long tour between Portugal and Belgium to present at the concert, in the middle of a wider repertoire, the contents of the CD ethers de l'Infini. These include the various events and recitals at the Biblioteca Joanina (Coimbra, Portugal), at the Convento Nossa Senhora dos Remedios (evora, Portugal) under the aegis of Eborae Musica, in the Jose Eduardo MARTINS' interview by Paulo Alves Guerra in Antena 2 (RTP Lisboa, Portugal), at the Quatre Mains pianozaak, (Salle des Quatre Mains) (Gent, Belgique). Below are the articles of the virtuoso pianist on his blog (por) concerning these last events : "Recitais em Coimbra e evora", "Gent e a magia flamenga", "Portugal e Belgica", "Ecos de Portugal e Belgica". It's at the occasion of the last concert in Gent, April 27th, that takes place the official release of the CD.
In June 2017, following the CD sending to our friend Portuguese-speaking Parisian poet, Fernando Rosinha, this one sends us a delightful message about it, that we absolutely wanted Jose Eduardo and myself to publish here as he speaked with brilliance and emotion of the feelings that went through him during his hearing. The following poem in french is a veritable panagere of the musician's work, creator or performer, a real jewel of writing. We couldn't resist the urge to publish here this sumptuous poetic talent, incredible of spring freshness, while the pen has since a long time passed the 70 springs :
"Dear Francois Serveniere,
Among the most gifts I can receive from my friends are friendship, smile and a moment of music. We lived in Paris, following the CD sending where our friend Jose Eduardo enchants us with Portuguese music, makes us live moments of dream with your own composition. Thank you. I feel happy and chosen. His listening gave me moments of beauty and happiness. Thanks to each of artists. I thank you with my sensitivity of poet. I enclose the lines written after listening to this music where I imagined you both as sowers of happiness, "Comme des semeurs de bonheur". Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Fernando Rosinha"
Comme un semeur de bonheur
Ne dis rien. N'ajoute rien
a la source du plaisir
que ta musique infinie a fait jaillir
comme une offrande habitee.
Plus rien ne peut m'offrir
des paroles plus aimees.
Mon ame oublie le temps et devient eternite.
Que sommes-nous ?
Beaucoup de rien, un peu de tout.
Je n'etais qu'un jour donne
aux larmes tombant chassees
d'un firmament interdit.
Chaque feuille est un elan pour les desirs infinis
en chemin vers les paroles pour tous les coeurs epuisees.
Ne dis rien. La musique nous suffit.
Fais grandir dans ton visage
toutes les fleurs de l'annee
et un piano parfume
de tes pas et ton image.
L'important n'est pas de faire mais d'etre un reve, un rivage.
J'aime le pain de ton souffle et la folie et les songes
de ton coeur fragile et riche nous offrant des beaux mensonges.
Sacre par tes passions et l'absolu, ose
inventer le tout ou devenir la rose
et sa beaute sauvage.
Quand l'harmonie et tes mains se touchent
la terre enfante la ruche
du miel de ta musique, du soleil de nos visages.
Viens sans desirs ni paroles. Palpitant
comme un dieu dans les etoiles. Ne dis rien.
Si les souffrances me rongent
tu effaces les epines et le bruit.
J'enlace un reve impossible. Perdu
dans la mer de mes mensonges,
je te nomme le chemin du paradis
et le semeur de bonheur.
La beaute descend sur terre. Ecoutons la fleur.
La musique regne. C'est le jour du coeur.
Fernando Rosinha, Juin 2017
The year 2018 is the centenary of the Claude Debussy's death, the famous French composer whose creative genius has been sowing world music since the beginning of the 20th century. On this centenal occasion, the emeritus debussyst Jose Eduardo Martins, dubbed by the regretted Francois Lesure the creator of the Centre de documentation Claude Debussy, decides to commemorate the memory of the inspiring master by organizing in Portugal 8 concerts and conferences in the cities of Tomar, Guimaraes, Lisbonne and Alcanta (since the 10th of may, 2018). In his programming from unique works of the composer's catalog, he gives me the honor to present at the beginning of each recital my replay Sinergia of the magical french composer's Clair de Lune written to evoke the Brazilian painter Luca Vitali's namesake work included in his Cosmical Serie. This music is part, track 7, of the CD ethers de l'Infini performed by the virtuoso Jose Eduardo Martins, available on the label ESOLEM PRODUCTION. This series of anniversary concerts ends with the concert of september 2018, the 22th, under the aegis of the Sociedade Brasileira de Eubiose in Sao Paulo, during which Sinergia is performed again by the virtuoso in the preamble of debussyst repertory.
Cosmic studies performed by Jose Eduardo MARTINS
recorded at the church of Mullem (Belgium) in 2016 by Johan KENNIVeCHAINE : YouTube.com/Jose Eduardo Martins